Cannabis Methods of Consumption Part 2 of 2

In our last installment of the Potency Plant Power Series, we looked at a few ways in which cannabinoids can be consumed. We talked about smoking cannabis flowers, consuming concentrates, and ingesting cannabis edibles. Next, we are going to look at topicals, oils, and other methods you likely didn’t know existed! Let’s dive right in! […]

Cannabis Methods of Consumption Part 1 of 2

The Potency No. 710 Plant Power Series so far has dived into the topics of the endocannabinoid system, cannabinoids, and terpenes, but just how is cannabis consumed?! While many think cannabis is only smoked, there are many different ways to consume this amazing plant. Some of these include all the remarkable compounds the plant possesses, […]

Hybrid Product Overview of Multifunctional Plant-Powered Skincare

Today’s market is saturated with beauty products. It seems there are several products for every part of our face and area our skin covers. Many are formulated to do one thing, be it to moisture, prevent bags under the eyes, reverse chapped lips, smooth wrinkles, or a plethora of other aspects. Rarely is a product […]