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Unveiling the Aroma: Natural Fragrances vs. Synthetic- Why Nature Knows Best

In the symphony of our senses, scent plays a mesmerizing melody. Fragrances evoke memories, spark emotions, and paint invisible landscapes around us. But in the fragrant world, two contrasting voices vie for our attention: natural and synthetic. Choosing between them becomes a delicate dance, one where understanding their true essence is the key to unlocking […]

A Lifestyle Brand Grown with the Highest Intentions

What started as a passion and three products has now been embraced by thousands globally and grown to be one of the hottest lifestyle brands on the planet! Founded in 2018 by aesthetician Mandy Lile, Potency No. 710 has quickly grown to be more than Mandy could have ever dreamed when she humbly started the […]

Did You Know This About This Popular Triple Antibiotic Ointment?

If you’ve been following Potency No. 710 for any amount of time, you know that we are not fans of mass-marketed chemical-filled products that line the shelves of nearly every department at the store. One product you are likely very familiar with that contains ingredients that fall within this category is none other than Neosporin.  […]