Blue Tansy – A Potent Skincare Ingredient

Here at Potency, it is widely known that we have a passion for powerful plant oils! Among our list of favorites is Blue Tansy! Due to its Moroccan origin, Blue Tansy comes from a plant known commonly as Moroccan Chamomile or Moroccan Tansy. This yellow-tinted plant is not only beautiful but also sustainable. The flowering […]

Hybrid Product Overview of Multifunctional Plant-Powered Skincare

Today’s market is saturated with beauty products. It seems there are several products for every part of our face and area our skin covers. Many are formulated to do one thing, be it to moisture, prevent bags under the eyes, reverse chapped lips, smooth wrinkles, or a plethora of other aspects. Rarely is a product […]

Frankincense – The King of Essential Oils

Frankincense is often called the King of Oils. This is likely because of its versatility and wide range of therapeutic benefits. Frankincense oil comes from only a few varieties of Boswellia trees that are native to parts of the world, such as India, Yemen, Africa, and Oman. In a National Geographic article, it was stated […]