3 Allure Skincare Trends for 2023 that Potency is Already Vibing With

If you’re reading this, thank you. Whether you have been supporting me since back in the day when I opened my first skin care clinic in Kentucky or if you just stumbled across this blog, I appreciate you being here. Potency No. 710 isn’t just a skincare line, and it isn’t another fly-by-night CBD company […]

8 Healthy Habits for Healthy Skin

Potency No. 710 has products to help keep your skin healthy. Some even say that they hold the power to reverse many skin issues as well! However, having healthy skin is reliant on much more than the products we utilize! To achieve and maintain healthy skin, it takes routine, consistency, and awareness. Here are eight […]

Sacred Palo Santo and What You Need to Know

Ever received a random stick of wood from Mandy here at Potency in your order? If so, you were gifted Palo Santo! Have you heard of it? If not, that’s okay because we are going to learn all about it in this article. We’ll take a look at what Palo Santo is, where it originated, […]