The Benefits of CBD Bath Products
CBD products are undoubtedly beneficial in many unique ways. Testimonials from consumers and patients around the world have shined a light on the various ways these products are helping. This includes everything from oils helping stop seizures in their tracks to CBD skin serums helping to reverse aging. A unique product that many people embrace […]
The Importance of Good Gut Health for Healthy Skin
If you have a feeling in your gut that your stomach’s health greatly impacts your skin’s health, trust your gut. Trust your gut because healthy, radiant skin requires a healthy gut. But, just what is your gut? Northwestern Medicine says, “The gut refers to your gastrointestinal (GI) system, the health of which is generally determined […]
Menstruation and Your Skin – What You Need to Know
Everyone who has ever menstruated will tell you it affects your body in its entirety. When most people think about period-related symptoms, they think about the obvious, cramps, discomfort, tiredness, irritability, and more. But many people do not think about how it affects the largest organ in our anatomy, our skin. During menstruation, our bodies […]